
Test midtalk

To try midtalk you simply have to create an IDL file like this :
module midtalk 
  module example 
    interface HelloWorld 
      int sayHello (string message);
Then, to transform it into a C++ header, simple type :

midlc my_file.idl

The generated output should look like this :
// generated by midtalk::idl::ast::visitors::CXX - do not edit

#ifndef __TEST_H__
#define __TEST_H__

#include <string>

#include <midtalk/common/object.h>
#include <midtalk/common/safe-ptr.h>
#include <midtalk/common/safe-ptr-utils.h>
#include <midtalk/common/weak-ptr.h>

namespace midtalk
  namespace example
    class HelloWorld : public midtalk::common::Object
      typedef midtalk::common::SafePtr<HelloWorld, midtalk::common::ObjectRef, midtalk::common::ObjectUnref> ptr;
      typedef midtalk::common::WeakPtr<HelloWorld> weakPtr;

      virtual int sayHello (const std::string& message) = 0;


#endif /* __TEST_H__ */